Peace Pattern Have a Peaceful Day
Peace is for anyone, and everyone deserves peace. If you don’t believe me why do we need a vacation or want to get away from it all? The answer is we deserve and want peace. Peace is defined as:
· Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions
· Harmony in personal relations
Merriam-Webster (2021). Peace is our normal way of being. First, we have to be aware of what peace is, and how peace relates to who, and what we are as individuals.
Peace is different for each person. Some people may find their peace in a variety of ways such as:
Art can be used to relax a person or can be used to help them find their peace within with pictures, sculptures, paintings, and drawings.
Some people can find their peace within with songs and different genres of music, from Classical to Rock and Roll.
Some people find their peace within through writing and journaling, and poetry.
For some, peace can also be found through breathing and just being mindful of the moment.
Being outdoors can help people to find their peace within. Hikes, camping, or just sitting in the backyard can be a peaceful experience.
Connecting with our higher power can help us find our peace within. Doing activities like praying, fasting, worshipping, reading, or just thinking about our higher power can produce the peace we have inside.
The understanding is, we all deserve peace. We all have our ways of living and expressing that peace, with our higher power, ourselves, and with others. The key for some of us is finding our peace within. The journey all begins with breathing in the now moment. Then we can begin to learn how to have a peaceful day.
A lot of us have many situations of life that we wished had never happened to us. These experiences have left us lost, wondering why has this happened to us and thinking nobody cares or understands us. We think who do we talk to or where do we go for help? In these moments is when we can ask ourselves do we deserve peace today right now?
If the answer is no, then ask yourself why don’t I deserve peace today? Understand it is your birthright to have and be at peace every day. The thoughts in our minds and how we react to things belong to us. We have control. We may not have control of the outside environment, but we do have control of our inside environment.
Self-awareness is important to having a peaceful day. To start you can find a quiet place to be for five minutes. The restroom can work if you cannot find a place to go. When you have found your quiet place, you can begin what is called peace breathing.
· First, sit comfortably on the floor, chair, or just stand.
· Second, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing.
· Third, breathe in for a count of 1-2-3 and breathe out for a count of 1-2-3.
· Forth, as you breathe in 1-2-3 imagine that the air is the feeling of peace. When you breathe out 1-2-3 imagine peace in the air and it is releasing weight off of your body from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet. Also, relax the body as you breathe out 1-2-3. Do this three times and go back to normal breathing.
· Fifth, once back to normal breathing, stay in the moment and enjoy the presence of peace. Just continue to concentrate on your breathing for about three minutes. If your thoughts stray just bring your focus back to your breathing. Whenever you feel stressed, confused, emotional, worried, or you just want to relax, just do the peace breathing exercise to start over your day.
To have a simple understanding of the self, think about the weather and what the weather is made of being:
Wind, (Air) Water, (Liquid, and Mist) Light, (Fire, and Heat)
Just as the weather outside us can be peaceful, it can also turn into a bad storm that can harm us. The inside of us is the weather. We are made of and use wind, water, and heat to exist.
Our bodies are vessels that house the weather. Therefore, our thoughts and feelings will decide what the weather is going to be like for that day. If we want to have peaceful weather, we have to first understand and be aware of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Here are some definitions that may help in understanding the self. They are:
· A mental grasp: COMPREHENSION Merriam-Webster (2021).
· The mental process of a person who comprehends; comprehension; personal interpretation (2021).
· An idea, plan, opinion, picture, etc., that is formed in your mind: something that you think of.
· The act or process of thinking.
Merriam-Webster (2021).
· An interruption of a state of peace, quiet, or calm Merriam-Webster (2021)
· Mental or emotional unbalance or disorder. The Free (2021)
Disturbances can be from the outside environment that causes a person to react in thinking or behaving a certain way.
Disturbances can generate from the inside as well from memories that have learned behaviors and understandings of right and wrong. Once a person is in a peaceful state of being and can identify that their peace is being disrupted, they have to understand and try to find the cause of the disruption.
· Something that brings about an effect or a result Merriam-Webster (2020).
· The producer of an effect, result, or consequence. The Free Dictionary (2020).
There are a lot of triggers that can cause non-peaceful feelings or reactions. Being overwhelmed with work, family issues, and relationships in general, can cause disruptions in life. They can also have lasting effects on how we live, think, and react in situations of interaction.
· Something brought about by a cause or agent, a result. The Free Dictionary (2021)
· Something that inevitably follows an antecedent (such as a cause or agent) Merriam-Webster (2021)
What happens to individuals because of a cause is called the effect. To be self-aware or to be conscious of ones thinking, thoughts and reactions is the goal. To stay at peace, people have to be mindful of their peace. Once a person has awareness of their peace they can start to be aware of the disturbances of their peace. Some of the things that can disrupt peace in the mind or create peace in the mind are feelings.
When thinking about feelings there has to be an understanding of the context in which the word feeling is being used. The feeling can be a noun, the feeling itself, or a verb, the act of sensing a feeling.
Feeling as a (Noun)
· A sensation experienced through this sense (Touch) Merriam Webster (2021)
· An awareness or impression. The Free Dictionary (2021)
Feeling as a (Verb)
· To experience an emotion or a physical feeling Cambridge Dictionary (2021)
· To sense a physical, mental, or emotional state Merriam Webster (2021)
When practicing self-awareness, a person has to be aware of what they are feeling (sensing) from the outside environment and also how they are feeling on the inside of themselves. Balancing the two will help in keeping a peaceful mindset.
For practice, a person can go to the park and just sit and observe nature. They can pay attention to how the surrounding environment makes them feel. They also can examine the thoughts they have while being in the park.
Emotions are a part of the peaceful mindset as well. When a person starts to sense their feelings about a subject the feeling can build in strength and become an emotion either peaceful or violent.
· A conscious mental reaction (such as anger or fear) is subjectively experienced as a strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body. Merriam-Webster (2020).
· Emotions are intense “stirred up” feelings, usually directed toward a specific person or event, and involving widespread visceral and skeletal changes. Psychology Dictionary (2020)
Emotion is a feeling expressed in strength which can be positive or negative. Usually, it is directed to someone or event like having strong feelings (emotions) for a romantic partner. Peace can be a strong emotion that can produce a relaxing and calming effect on the body and mind. A person has to practice keeping their peace every day. It is like how exercising can build muscles.
If any person finds that they don’t like their life whether it is due to the environment in which they live, or the choices that they have made in the past, they can always start over by just being in the moment and breathe. After that, let the peace begin by being aware of your outside environment and inside environment like your thoughts and feelings that can occur through cause and effect.
The question that a person can ask themselves while practicing a peaceful state of being would be is this peaceful me? I believe that understanding who you are in truth is the beginning of a peaceful way of being.
· The body of real things, events, and facts ACTUALITY Merriam Webster (2020)
· Reality and actuality The Free Dictionary (2020)
· The regular and repeated way in which something happens or is done Merriam-Webster (2021).
· A standard way of moving, acting, etc.: The Free Dictionary (2021)
If we want to know and understand who we are as a self, we have to understand our patterns of behaviors. We have to be aware of the ones that do not cater to peace.
· The response of an individual, group, or species to its environment Merriam-Webster (2021).
· The actions or reactions of a person or animal in response to external or internal stimuli. The Free Dictionary (2021)
Once you understand these concepts you can apply them to yourself one day at a time. Once someone can peace the storm in their mind, meaning turbulent feelings(emotions). They can have a peaceful day every day.
So far the weather on the outside is also on the inside. To peace the storm on the inside you can use this meditation called Peace Pattern, to help you find peace inside and outside, and to help you be in harmony with your environment. Here is the Peace Pattern.
The first part of the Peace Pattern is peace is wind, air, spirit, and motion. Here we want to get acquainted with the wind being a part of the weather. We breathe wind in and out to stay alive and moving. Without air, we would die. Therefore, to start your peaceful day you can do the peace breathing exercise explained earlier. Which was breathing in for a count of 1-2-3 and out 1-2-3, while focusing on pressure leaving off the body. Relaxing is key to living a peaceful life.
Whenever you can find time to relax do so, your body and mind will thank you. Remember while doing the peace breathing exercise, think of the air as a peaceful feeling. In time peace will be air to you as a moving feeling and presence.
The second part of the Peace Pattern is peace being water, liquid, and mist. We need water to stay alive and water can be a liquid, a mist, or a solid as ice. We have the rain which is water coming down out of the sky as the weather on the outside of us and we have water on the inside of us. When we thirst, it can be bothersome if we don’t have any water around to quench our thirst.
That would be considered a disturbance to our peace. Like on a hot day we crave that cool relief that we get when we drink water. Peace is the feeling you feel when you have satisfied and quench the thirst
That is the moment that you can associate the feeling of peace with drinking water. Therefore, you will experience peace as a feeling of being wind you breathe and water you drink. This will be a normal feeling for your peace every day. Have a peaceful time drinking water. Eventually, swimming and any interaction with water, liquid, or mist will bring you peace.
The third part of the Peace Pattern is understanding peace being light, fire, and heat. Without heat, we would freeze to death. We need heat to stay alive. The way peace works with this part is this. Imagine it is a cold winter’s day and you are outside shoveling the snow, and you go back inside, and you are cold and want to warm yourself.
You snuggle with a warm blanket and a cup of hot cocoa. You decide to use the fireplace, and you put the logs in and start the fire.
The reaction you get in feeling from the heat of the fireplace, warm blanket, and cocoa is the feeling of peace. The sense of comfort and relaxation is the peace you are looking for from heat, whether from the sun, campfire, heat in your home, or body. You deserve to be at peace.
If you concentrate on the feeling of comfort and relaxation you get from heat. Sooner or later, you will feel at peace when around heat sources when they are at comfortable levels. Like sunbathing or tanning.
So far, we can find peace in air, water, and heat. Which is in our bodies and on the outside as weather or creation you can meditate and meditate is defined as:
· Meditate (to focus one's thoughts on, reflect on or ponder over (Merriam-Webster (2021)).
You can meditate and get acquainted with the feeling of peace in your body with air, water, and heat. Until you always feel peaceful with just yourself and the weather within.
The fourth part of the Peace Pattern is peace being earth, flesh, and dust. We need earth as grains, fruits, vegetables, and meat to survive. Without food, we will die sooner or later.
When hunger sets in, it causes pain in our stomach which is a disturbance that is uncomfortable at times. Some of us when we are hungry our temperament changes into an angry animal. Fits of rage may happen when anyone is delaying us from getting food. After we have had our meal we change back into the polite person that everyone wants to be around.
The feeling we have while we are eating is peace. We can carry on conversations during the meal, and we can make better decisions as well. That is why some people make business deals over lunch because there are more rational decisions made and a peaceful atmosphere.
When thinking about earth as food, or our bodies as vessels for the weather. We can keep and remember the feeling of peace we get when we are eating, or the feeling we get after a meal where we want to relax and rest.
Gardening is an example of experiencing peace with the earth. The digging and planting and just being with the seeds and soil can cause peace for some people.
Eventually interacting with earth (soil), flesh (food), and dust (bodies) will bring a peaceful feeling to us every day We should plant a garden, have a peaceful dinner, relax, and enjoy the atmosphere.
The fifth part of the Peace Pattern is peace being the creation and body. The body is made of the air we breathe, the water we drink, the heat like fire from the sun to keep us warm, and the food we eat as the earth which is also what our skin and bones are made of as well. These four parts work together to make the body a mini creation.
Understanding peace with air, water, heat, which can be fire and give light like the sun, or lightning, and earth. We can learn how peace works with all parts working together as one body as a mini creation.
Once we have learned to be at peace with the weather within and the vessel that holds the weather, which is the body, a combination of the weather and earth(vessel). We will achieve a peaceful day for ourselves every day.
· We have peace with breathing for air with breathing exercising
· We have peace with drinking water with understanding thirst
· We have peace with heat, with the examples of tanning, sunbathing, blanket, and fireplace
· We have peace with the earth with the association with eating food and gardening.
These four parts will work together for a peaceful body once we are used to understanding them individually in peace. The more we practice the easier it will be to identify our peace in ourselves every day Then we can start to have peace with others.
The sixth part of the Peace Pattern is peace being information knowledge and wisdom. How we communicate to ourselves in thought or with a neighbor will determine if we are going to keep having a peaceful day.
The peaceful idea in having peaceful communication is not to harm ourselves or anyone else when communicating.; not with words or body language. We can find peaceful ways to communicate something if it is disturbing us. Using foul language, hurtful finger gesturing, or rolling one’s eyes, will not bring a peaceful ending to the situation.
Imagine it was you that cause the issue, how would you want to be talked to, or treated. If yelling, screaming, and even physical violence do not appeal to you, then you should not do it to another when they are wrong.
When we engage in communication. We can ask ourselves is this the peaceful way of saying this or is this the peaceful way of doing this. We are then becoming self-aware of our inner weather and acknowledging that we are wanting to be peaceful.
We are also understanding that we want to keep having our peaceful day, and we are taking the time to think things through. Also, we are giving ourselves time to calm down and we will then start turning our communications into peaceful communications with peaceful information, knowledge, and wisdom.
Self-talk is a type of communication as well. We have to be mindful and ask the question is this a peaceful way to think about myself? Also, we can ask is this a peaceful thing that I am doing to myself. We deserve peace and we should also treat ourselves peacefully.
The seventh part of The Peace Pattern is peace being the creator of creation and the mind of the body. We did not create ourselves and if you check the weather we did not create the weather either. The force that created all things will be known as truth. The truth was defined earlier in the beginning as being actually what is.
Meaning how it is supposed to be in reality, not what we think it is, not what we want it to be, but what it is supposed to be in truth. Therefore, for this part of the understanding of having a peaceful day, we will be using the truth as the Creator, assuming no one wants to be lied to. Peace in communication would never lie, or it would cause the opposite effect, disturbances, and wrong ways of thinking, or even violence.
The Creator, that put all things together, gave us the mind we think with, and it is designed to be peaceful, not stressful, anxiety-filled, or fearful. With the Peace Pattern you can find a peaceful feeling knowing:
· First you did not create yourself.
· Second that peace exists in truth.
· Third we deserve and can learn to be at peace if we want to. We can start at any time.
Peace is and can truly be the feeling of the mind, body, and the truth being the creator of the body. Peace of mind is possible to those who will learn to be aware of the peace they are given. Always smile because you are somebody and let the peaceful day begin and be happy.
This is the end or the beginning you choose. Peace to you all and thank you for reading. I want to express thanks to my good friend Darlene Outler. She helped me with proofing. So, here is a shout-out to you Darlene, and may the spirit of peace be with you in all you do. Everyone, have a peaceful day, every day.
- Merriam-Webster (2021) Peace
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- Merriam-Webster (2021) Understanding
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- (2021) Understanding
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- Merriam-Webster (2021) Thought
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- Merriam-Webster (2020) Disturbance
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- The Free Dictionary (2020) Disturbance
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- Merriam-Webster (2020) Cause
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- The Free Dictionary (2020) Cause
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- The Free Dictionary (2020) Effect
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- (2020) Effect
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- Merriam-Webster (2020) Feeling
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- The Free Dictionary (2020) Feeling
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- Cambridge Dictionary (2021) Feeling (as a verb)
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- Merriam -Webster (2021) Feeling (as a verb)
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- Merriam-Webster (2020) Emotion
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- Psychology Dictionary (2021) Emotion
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- Merriam Webster (2020) Truth
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- The Free Dictionary (2020) Truth
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- Merriam-Webster (2021) Pattern
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- The Free Dictionary (2021) Pattern
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- Merriam-Webster (2021) Behavior
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- The Free Dictionary (2021) Behavior
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- Merriam-Webster (2021) Meditate
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