Peace Pattern Ministry


Creator Awareness In Seven Days (One)

Creator Day One

       Creator Day One is all about bringing your awareness to the thought and reality of wind, air, and spirit, being Creator. You can begin by defining the word creator. The creator is the one who creates or brings something forth to existence Merriam-Webster (2020).

      Therefore, the wind has a beginning and the process to create the wind is truth. Truth is defined as being actually what is) The Free Dictionary (2020). Truth is the actual creator, the force that put the wind together being, air and spirit, is the awareness for Creator Day One. The creator is the one that creates or brings something into being. Truth is actually what is and when you find out how something came to be, the source will be known as truth.

      Truth, the actual who, when, where, why, and how is creator as the beginning of all things and how they should be, not what we want them to be. Wind (2020) The concept of wind is air in motion The Free Dictionary (2020). Air is synonymous with breath and so when we breathe, we are creating wind, which is air in motion.

     Spirit is also synonymous with breath Free (2020). Spirit is considered to be the life force of the body; therefore wind, air, and spirit are what is keeping us alive Collins Therefore if one would meditate on one's breathing one can begin to understand the Creator as the breath of life. We did not create the wind on the outside of our body, but we breathe it in and out through the process of breathing to stay alive. If we were to stop the breathing process for too long, we would die. This is a truth that all can believe in and unite in one understanding being truth as the creator.

                  Meditation and Awareness


To start your journey on becoming aware of wind, air, and spirit being the Creator. Just find a quiet place and sit down and just pay attention to the breathing. Start breathing in and out while concentrating on the breath and try to relax the body after each breath.

   It can be one minute to however long you want the meditating to be. The exercise is just to learn how to be aware of the air and how important it is to breathe and relax. You can go and research different breathing and meditating techniques that are fitting for you.

     Remember that contemplating and concentrating on the breath while breathing in and out to relax is a major concept in meditating Merriam-Webster (2020). There are many ways to enjoy and experience wind. You can turn on the fan in your home and practice being aware of the airflow moving about in the room. 

   Another way is while being parked in a vehicle waiting for someone in a store or waiting for the kids at school. You can turn on the air conditioner or fan, relax, and breathe while concentrating on the airflow.

    Once you found the place where you can experience airflow or just where you can concentrate on the breathing. That is the moment where you can find peace in the presence of the wind which is breath. Let the feeling of the airflow become the peaceable way you feel in your feelings and your emotions. Remember that creator is the peace you feel in the wind and the creator is truth and truth is creator actually what is and what will be and what was.


Merriam-Webster. (2020) Creator

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The Free Dictionary (2020) Truth

Retrieve from (2020) Wind 

Retrieve From

The Free Dictionary (2020) Wind

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Free Thesaurus (2020) Spirit

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Collins Dictionary (2020) Spirit 

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Merriam-Webster (2020) Meditate

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